Filtering by: “Classes”

Membership Class Pt. 2

Membership Class Pt. 2

Want to become a member of the Free Methodist Church at 1208GREENWOOD? Join us for our two-part membership class on April 3rd and April 10th from 6:30-8:30pm to learn more about what makes the Free Methodist Church what it is, and about our particular mission and vision here in downtown Jackson.

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Revelation Bible Study, Pt 9

Revelation Bible Study, Pt 9

We’ve all heard a lot of weird things about the book of Revelation—and perhaps rightfully so, because it is a rather strange book. It's a letter, a prophecy, and an apocalypse all in one and therefore it becomes hard to tell which genre of writing is being used at any given time. Sometimes it's about the future, and yet other times it's about the timeframe of the early church. But rather than throw this book out the window, we'll instead spend 11 weeks doing a deep Bible study on it and see what we can come to learn about one of the Bible's strangest books.

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Membership Class Pt. 1

Membership Class Pt. 1

Want to become a member of the Free Methodist Church at 1208GREENWOOD? Join us for our two-part membership class on April 3rd and April 10th from 6:30-8:30pm to learn more about what makes the Free Methodist Church what it is, and about our particular mission and vision here in downtown Jackson.

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Revelation Bible Study, Pt 8

Revelation Bible Study, Pt 8

We’ve all heard a lot of weird things about the book of Revelation—and perhaps rightfully so, because it is a rather strange book. It's a letter, a prophecy, and an apocalypse all in one and therefore it becomes hard to tell which genre of writing is being used at any given time. Sometimes it's about the future, and yet other times it's about the timeframe of the early church. But rather than throw this book out the window, we'll instead spend 11 weeks doing a deep Bible study on it and see what we can come to learn about one of the Bible's strangest books.

The Two Women (Rev 17:1–19:10)

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Revelation Bible Study, Pt 7

Revelation Bible Study, Pt 7

We’ve all heard a lot of weird things about the book of Revelation—and perhaps rightfully so, because it is a rather strange book. It's a letter, a prophecy, and an apocalypse all in one and therefore it becomes hard to tell which genre of writing is being used at any given time. Sometimes it's about the future, and yet other times it's about the timeframe of the early church. But rather than throw this book out the window, we'll instead spend 11 weeks doing a deep Bible study on it and see what we can come to learn about one of the Bible's strangest books.

Plagues and Bowls (Rev 15–16)

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Revelation Bible Study, Pt 6

Revelation Bible Study, Pt 6

We’ve all heard a lot of weird things about the book of Revelation—and perhaps rightfully so, because it is a rather strange book. It's a letter, a prophecy, and an apocalypse all in one and therefore it becomes hard to tell which genre of writing is being used at any given time. Sometimes it's about the future, and yet other times it's about the timeframe of the early church. But rather than throw this book out the window, we'll instead spend 11 weeks doing a deep Bible study on it and see what we can come to learn about one of the Bible's strangest books.

The Dragon and the Lamb (Rev 12–14)

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Revelation Bible Study, Pt 5

Revelation Bible Study, Pt 5

We’ve all heard a lot of weird things about the book of Revelation—and perhaps rightfully so, because it is a rather strange book. It's a letter, a prophecy, and an apocalypse all in one and therefore it becomes hard to tell which genre of writing is being used at any given time. Sometimes it's about the future, and yet other times it's about the timeframe of the early church. But rather than throw this book out the window, we'll instead spend 11 weeks doing a deep Bible study on it and see what we can come to learn about one of the Bible's strangest books.

The Seven Trumpets (Rev 8:6–11:19)

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Revelation Bible Study, Pt 4

Revelation Bible Study, Pt 4

We’ve all heard a lot of weird things about the book of Revelation—and perhaps rightfully so, because it is a rather strange book. It's a letter, a prophecy, and an apocalypse all in one and therefore it becomes hard to tell which genre of writing is being used at any given time. Sometimes it's about the future, and yet other times it's about the timeframe of the early church. But rather than throw this book out the window, we'll instead spend 11 weeks doing a deep Bible study on it and see what we can come to learn about one of the Bible's strangest books.

The Seven Seals (Rev 6:1–8:5)

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Revelation Bible Study, Pt 3

Revelation Bible Study, Pt 3

We’ve all heard a lot of weird things about the book of Revelation—and perhaps rightfully so, because it is a rather strange book. It's a letter, a prophecy, and an apocalypse all in one and therefore it becomes hard to tell which genre of writing is being used at any given time. Sometimes it's about the future, and yet other times it's about the timeframe of the early church. But rather than throw this book out the window, we'll instead spend 11 weeks doing a deep Bible study on it and see what we can come to learn about one of the Bible's strangest books.

The Throne Room (Rev 4–5)

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Revelation Bible Study, Pt 2

Revelation Bible Study, Pt 2

We’ve all heard a lot of weird things about the book of Revelation—and perhaps rightfully so, because it is a rather strange book. It's a letter, a prophecy, and an apocalypse all in one and therefore it becomes hard to tell which genre of writing is being used at any given time. Sometimes it's about the future, and yet other times it's about the timeframe of the early church. But rather than throw this book out the window, we'll instead spend 11 weeks doing a deep Bible study on it and see what we can come to learn about one of the Bible's strangest books.

Letters to the Seven Churches (Rev 2–3)

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Revelation Bible Study, Pt 1

Revelation Bible Study, Pt 1

We’ve all heard a lot of weird things about the book of Revelation—and perhaps rightfully so, because it is a rather strange book. It's a letter, a prophecy, and an apocalypse all in one and therefore it becomes hard to tell which genre of writing is being used at any given time. Sometimes it's about the future, and yet other times it's about the timeframe of the early church. But rather than throw this book out the window, we'll instead spend 11 weeks doing a deep Bible study on it and see what we can come to learn about one of the Bible's strangest books.

Introduction (Rev 1)

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Spiritual Gifts Class

Spiritual Gifts Class

We at 1208 have seen some pretty awesome testimony of healings happen because we have been open to praying for God to do such things. Jamin explains more about how this gift works and some of the misunderstandings behind it.

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Spiritual Gifts Class

Spiritual Gifts Class

If we want to be discipled Christians, we need to learn how to read our Bibles with the Holy Spirit, because He actually effects what we take away from it. Jamin explains the Bible's perspective on this. Catch an opening glimpse of this lesson here.

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Spiritual Gifts Class

Spiritual Gifts Class

To start off our spiritual gifts class, Jamin takes us deeper into theology to help us understand who the Holy Spirit is and what His role is throughout the Bible so that we understand what His role is in our life.

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