Since the global pandemic hit, everyone has lost something: loved ones, jobs, businesses, finances, security, community, routine, sanity, trips, meetings, opportunities—and the list goes on. While some have lost and suffered much more than others in this time, we have all lost something, even if just the normalcy of the life we once had. Add into this loss the things we've gained like fear, anxiety, depression, division, loneliness, and confusion—and you get the perfect storm that has been the pandemic.
We've all been affected. But we haven't all dealt with our grief—at least not together. So as we enter this time of year, let's give thanks at Thanksgiving and let's find hope in Christmas, but let's also live the fullness of the Psalms out by bringing our grief before God alongside our thankfulness and hope.
Join us at 1208 Greenwood Church for this special service as we acknowledge the sorrows of the night and the joy that comes in the morning—as we exchange our ashes for beauty. For where there is a chance for suffering, there is also a chance for resurrection.