Before Jesus ascended into Heaven, he told his disciples to wait until they had been “clothed with power from on high” (Luke 24:49). Jesus expected that if we were truly going to do the ministry He did, we would need to do it alongside the Holy Spirit. Yet so many of us today tend to do ministry out of our own spirit and strength, causing the church to be something less miraculous than what Jesus envisioned.
Reveal Jackson points us back to the Spirit. The whole church has been empowered for mission and so every Christian must have their gifts revealed to them so that they can cooperate in that mission. The best way to get started in finding your spiritual gifting is to first understand what exactly spiritual gifts are from a Biblical and experiential perspective—for some have gifts that they’re unaware of simply because no one has taught them how they work. Follow one of our three tracks to learn more about the gifting of your choice as we worship, pray, and learn together at Reveal Jackson.