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Jamin Bradley Jamin Bradley

Love First

This message on the prodigal son came after a very special time in worship where many in our congregation were weeping about the love of God.

This message on the prodigal son came after a very special time in worship where many in our congregation were weeping about the love of God.

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Jamin Bradley Jamin Bradley

Leveling Up in Faith

Faith goes a long way with God and comes with reward, both now and in the age to come. Do you want to level up to a place where God can trust you with more? Then how might you handle what he's entrusted you with in the here and now?

Faith goes a long way with God and comes with reward, both now and in the age to come. Do you want to level up to a place where God can trust you with more? Then how might you handle what he's entrusted you with in the here and now?

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Jamin Bradley Jamin Bradley

God Loves Good Works

Jamin delves into the vital connection between faith and good works, exploring how the Bible weaves this truth throughout its teachings in compelling and surprising ways.

Jamin delves into the vital connection between faith and good works, exploring how the Bible weaves this truth throughout its teachings in compelling and surprising ways.

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Jamin Bradley Jamin Bradley

Identity and the Image of God

Pull out a journal and write along with us as Jamin gives us questions to reflect on concerning our identity in God. Oftentimes, our understanding of self is wrapped up with the lies we tell ourselves and low self-esteem that holds us back from being all we were designed to be. Jamin helps us navigate those thoughts to get back to the core of our identity in the image of God.

Pull out a journal and write along with us as Jamin gives us questions to reflect on concerning our identity in God. Oftentimes, our understanding of self is wrapped up with the lies we tell ourselves and low self-esteem that holds us back from being all we were designed to be. Jamin helps us navigate those thoughts to get back to the core of our identity in the image of God.

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Jamin Bradley Jamin Bradley

Spiritual Collaboration

God is not a micromanager but empowers us to make decisions in the direction of Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven. Jamin expands on this point in this message.

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Jamin Bradley Jamin Bradley

Open to Empowerment

While the Bible is not exhaustive in all of the spiritual gifts it lists, they range from very natural sounding to very supernatural sounding. In this message, Jamin explains why these gifts are important, the degree to which they might be practiced, and clarifies a few of the stranger ones.

While the Bible is not exhaustive in all of the spiritual gifts it lists, they range from very natural sounding to very supernatural sounding. In this message, Jamin explains why these gifts are important, the degree to which they might be practiced, and clarifies a few of the stranger ones.

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Jamin Bradley Jamin Bradley

Choose Your Trinity

In order to have your heart in the right place for God to cultivate it further, you need to choose where to set your eyes. If you set them on the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, then you will find yourself living in very backward, seemingly foolish ways. If you set it on the Serpent, Leviathan, and Behemoth, then you will fit right in with the natural ways of the world that we are all prone to. Jamin dives deeper into these themes in this message.

In order to have your heart in the right place for God to cultivate it further, you need to choose where to set your eyes. If you set them on the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, then you will find yourself living in very backward, seemingly foolish ways. If you set it on the Serpent, Leviathan, and Behemoth, then you will fit right in with the natural ways of the world that we are all prone to. Jamin dives deeper into these themes in this message.

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Jamin Bradley Jamin Bradley

The Why, How, and What of Forgiveness

Forgiveness both is and isn't what you've been told. In this message, Jamin dives into the depths of this topic to undo some bad thinking and instill some thoughts you may not have considered before.

Forgiveness both is and isn't what you've been told. In this message, Jamin dives into the depths of this topic to undo some bad thinking and instill some thoughts you may not have considered before.

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Jamin Bradley Jamin Bradley

Your Heart Compass

In the Bible, the heart is responsible for just about everything in a person's life. With this in mind, Jamin talks about the importance of ensuring one's heart is focused on God. If it's set off or influenced by other voices, it eventually will find itself in need of inner healing

In the Bible, the heart is responsible for just about everything in a person's life. With this in mind, Jamin talks about the importance of ensuring one's heart is focused on God. If it's set off or influenced by other voices, it eventually will find itself in need of inner healing

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Jamin Bradley Jamin Bradley

The One Who is Able to Keep You From Stumbling

In this message, Jamin looks over Jude's closing–one of the most beautiful benedictions in the Bible. Some forms of the gospel put our identity in sin, while Jude's gospel reminds us that we can rise above sin with the help of Jesus.

In this message, Jamin looks over Jude's closing–one of the most beautiful benedictions in the Bible. Some forms of the gospel put our identity in sin, while Jude's gospel reminds us that we can rise above sin with the help of Jesus.

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Jamin Bradley Jamin Bradley

The Day(s) of the Lord

The Day of the Lord has been long prophesied and thought over. It has caused people to fall into extreme territories of thought and brought about a lot of confusion. For that reason, there's quite a bit to talk about on the subject. Why is it important? What's going to happen? Why does it matter to us today?

Jamin helps us see this day more clearly by showing us how this day has already happened many times throughout history and can continue to happen through our actions as Christians.

The Day of the Lord has been long prophesied and thought over. It has caused people to fall into extreme territories of thought and brought about a lot of confusion. For that reason, there's quite a bit to talk about on the subject. Why is it important? What's going to happen? Why does it matter to us today?

Jamin helps us see this day more clearly by showing us how this day has already happened many times throughout history and can continue to happen through our actions as Christians.

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Jamin Bradley Jamin Bradley

Jude Confronts Antinominanism

The church leaders Jude addressed seemed to believe that there was no morality or law under Jesus and that everyone could live however they wanted. In this message, Jamin proposes a better way to understand the law and its dynamic in the New Testament.

The church leaders Jude addressed seemed to believe that there was no morality or law under Jesus and that everyone could live however they wanted. In this message, Jamin proposes a better way to understand the law and its dynamic in the New Testament.

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Jamin Bradley Jamin Bradley

Running Like Jonah

Our very own Brian Knapp shares a message about Jonah and asks us some important questions about our own faithfulness.

Our very own Brian Knapp shares a message about Jonah and asks us some important questions about our own faithfulness.

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Jamin Bradley Jamin Bradley

Lawyer Angels and Their Many Other Roles

The Book of Jude makes a very strange reference (likely to the Apocalypse of Abraham), where the Archangel Michael defends Moses' body from Satan. In this message, Jamin and the crowd at 1208 Greenwood Church survey all of the things that angels do in the Bible to get a better idea as to why the church Jude was writing to was out of line.

The Book of Jude makes a very strange reference (likely to the Testament of Abraham), where the Archangel Michael defends Moses' body from Satan. In this message, Jamin and the crowd at 1208 Greenwood Church survey all of the things that angels do in the Bible to get a better idea as to why the church Jude was writing to was out of line.

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Jamin Bradley Jamin Bradley

Angels in Chains

Jude not only references a strange story from Genesis 6, but he also references a book called 1 Enoch, which elaborates immensely on this strange story. Why does he jump into this content? Jamin helps us get a deeper understanding of this story and what it meant for Jude.

Jude not only references a strange story from Genesis 6, but he also references a book called 1 Enoch, which elaborates immensely on this strange story. Why does he jump into this content? Jamin helps us get a deeper understanding of this story and what it meant for Jude.

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Jamin Bradley Jamin Bradley

Remember How Jesus Led Israel Out of Egypt?

Among the many puzzling statements Jude makes, he says, "Now I want to remind you, although you once fully knew it, that Jesus, who saved a people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe."

Among the many puzzling statements Jude makes, he says, "Now I want to remind you, although you once fully knew it, that Jesus, who saved a people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe."

Out of all the Trinity members Jude could use in this statement, why did he choose Jesus? Being a lover of weird theology, Jamin gives a reason as to why this statement makes more sense than one might think.

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Jamin Bradley Jamin Bradley

Stop Calling Everyone a Heretic

Today we start a new short series on the book of Jude. In this message, Jamin calls Christians to calm down on blowing the heresy horn. Jude had to deal with false teachers who were building Christianity around immorality and rebellion. This is vastly different from how Christians fight over their different theological and doctrinal beliefs today. We must learn what is worth fighting about and what is okay to disagree on.

Today we start a new short series on the book of Jude. In this message, Jamin calls Christians to calm down on blowing the heresy horn. Jude had to deal with false teachers who were building Christianity around immorality and rebellion. This is vastly different from how Christians fight over their different theological and doctrinal beliefs today. We must learn what is worth fighting about and what is okay to disagree on.

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Jamin Bradley Jamin Bradley

Streams of Living Water

Ezekiel once had a vision of a deep stream of water flowing out of the temple into the Dead Sea, bringing life to everything it touched along the way. In this message, Jamin connects the stream to a few of Jesus' statements and explains why this vision is important for Christians today.

Ezekiel once had a vision of a deep stream of water flowing out of the temple into the Dead Sea, bringing life to everything it touched along the way. In this message, Jamin connects the stream to a few of Jesus' statements and explains why this vision is important for Christians today.

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Jamin Bradley Jamin Bradley

A Fire in the Bones

As Ezekiel 33 shows us, the prophetic role is a heavy one. While we may not all be prophets like Ezekiel was, the capacity to operate in prophetic gifting lies in each one of us since all Christians have the Holy Spirit. Jamin takes us deeper into this dynamic in this podcast episode.

As Ezekiel 33 shows us, the prophetic role is a heavy one. While we may not all be prophets like Ezekiel was, the capacity to operate in prophetic gifting lies in each one of us since all Christians have the Holy Spirit. Jamin takes us deeper into this dynamic in this podcast episode.

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Jamin Bradley Jamin Bradley

Evangelism in Ambiguous Spaces

Philip the Evangelist is sent by an angel and the Holy Spirit to evangelize a very ambiguous person in his time. Jamin uses this story as a springboard to explain how we must put down our walls and patiently reach all people, regardless of their differences. He pulls many stories from his own life along the way to illustrate this point.

Philip the Evangelist is sent by an angel and the Holy Spirit to evangelize a very ambiguous person in his time. Jamin uses this story as a springboard to explain how we must put down our walls and patiently reach all people, regardless of their differences. He pulls many stories from his own life along the way to illustrate this point.

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