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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Loving God

Jamin wraps up his message series on 1208's new vision with the greatest commandment of all and the reason everything else in our vision exists: to love God.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Fostering Growth

In this message on 1208's vision, Jamin explains the importance of discipling ourselves and others. The Christian was not meant to pray the sinner's prayer and be done with everything—they must continue to grow into the new creation Jesus has called them into. The Christian is to always be moving forward into something more.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Creating Space

Jamin kicks off this series on 1208's new vision with an important rule for 1208ers: we create space for others. Churches often keep people who are different from us at a distance, but the Bible shows us time and time again to create space for everyone to come close and experience the goodness of God, regardless of how different or undiscipled they are.

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