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The Scene of the Resurrection
There are a few interesting Biblical callbacks it seems John is giving us as he paints for us Jesus' tomb—that is, the scene of the resurrection...
There are a few interesting Biblical callbacks it seems John is giving us as he paints for us Jesus' tomb—that is, the scene of the resurrection. As we look at these possible references, we retrace the presence of God throughout history and pinpoint it on Jesus. Furthermore, we come to see Jesus' role in and as the presence of God in an important light.
Resurrection: The Final Afterlife
The American church has more or less communicated this idea that when we die, we go off to Heaven to be with God. While this is true...
The American church has more or less communicated this idea that when we die, we go off to Heaven to be with God. While this is true, the Bible communicates this to be more or less an intermediate state on the destination to which we are headed: a new Heaven and a new Earth with new imperishable physical bodies. This is Pauline theology and should be Christianity 101, but many of us aren't even aware of the Bible's message on this. It's "Life after life after death," as N.T. Wright puts it.
In this week's podcast episode I preach out some of the details while reflecting on passages from Paul's letters, Revelation, and N.T. Wright's books, Surprised by Hope and The Resurrection of the Son of God. If you're interested in learning more, I suggest Surprised by Hope for the crucial points in the conversation. The Resurrection of the Son of God is very good, but quite comprehensive.
You Lose Satan
This year's Easter message is an interesting one. Jamin provides some insight the Bible gives us on Satan in order to show how Jesus tricked and overcame him through death and resurrection.