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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

The Authorities

In a world where many are turned off by the government, it's a bit difficult to take Paul's words to heart when he tells us to respect those in authority. But then again, Paul and other Christians spent plenty of time in jail because of these authorities, which is not something that should happen to someone who respects authority. So what's going on here? Jamin explores this question.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Loving People

As Jamin continues his series on 1208's vision, he takes a very specific political turn on what Jesus calls the second greatest commandment: to love people. With the whole world at each other's throats in the election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and all kinds of hot topics being handled with insulting words, Jamin calls everyone to calm down and love each other again and agree on the things that Christians should be in agreement about, regardless of who was elected.

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