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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Paul's Comments on Women

In today's message, Jamin takes a look at Paul's comments in 1 Corinthians 11 and sorts out what's at the heart of Paul's message. As it ends up, from a cultural perspective…

Much of modern misogyny in the church can be attributed to Paul’s comments on women in the Bible. But is misogyny really what Paul intended to communicate? In today's message, Jamin takes a look at Paul's comments in 1 Corinthians 11 and sorts out what's at the heart of Paul's message. As it ends up, from a cultural perspective he is simply trying to establish order in light of creation, cosmology and science. All three of these points go over the heads of modern people because we think entirely different on all three subjects. Therefore, we can only truly understand what Paul is saying by getting into a head 2,000 years older than ours.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

The Church Body

So often we turn spiritual things over to the pastor, because we pay them to do that, right? Not exactly. The pastor's job is actually to equip the saints for ministry. Paul tells us we are a body and each of us are gifted differently in that respect. Jamin explores that further and shows us that we all must work together and not just expect those with ministerial titles to do it themselves.

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