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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Pregnancy and Childbirth in the Ancient World

Given today's technology, pregnancy and childbirth are much more efficient than they once were. As we gaze into the world of the Ancient Near East, we see that miscarriages and infant deaths were commonplace…

Given today's technology, pregnancy and childbirth are much more efficient than they once were. As we gaze into the world of the Ancient Near East, we see that miscarriages and infant deaths were commonplace. We also see the cultural reasons as to why parents wanted children—and lots of them! Learning all of this helps us see the stories in the Bible a little more clearly.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

The Children of the Kingdom

We all know what it's like to feel or indignant or to have someone feel indignant at us. Even Jesus was indignant! But it may not have been for reasons that you thought.

We all know what it's like to feel or indignant or to have someone feel indignant at us. Even Jesus was indignant! But it may not have been for reasons that you thought.

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Ministry Jamin Bradley Ministry Jamin Bradley

Children's Ministry Help Needed

Over the last months we've seen an increase in the children attending on Sunday mornings. This is wonderful for our church, and we're needing to recruit some more helpers for our kids' programs...

Over the last months we've seen an increase in the children attending on Sunday mornings. This is wonderful for our church, and we're needing to recruit some more helpers for our kids' programs.  We have just a handful of people working to create a meaningful time of teaching and discipleship for our young people each Sunday, and some of the volunteers are helping out in both classrooms, which usually means working back to back weeks each month. We'd love to get some more people involved in this effort....more helpers means a lighter load for everyone involved. 

We need leaders and helpers for the toddler thru Kindergarten room, leaders and helpers for the 1st grade thru 4th grade room, and helpers for the middle school/high school room. Leaders use the curriculum to plan a lesson/activity for the morning, and helpers assist in whatever ways are needed. 

Thanks for your consideration in this. We really do need you!!  Let Myisha Cunningham know if you're available to help and the ages and role you'd prefer. Thanks so much!

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