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Total Otherness
Jamin ends his series on Romans in reference to the fact that Paul encouraged believers to not practice things that would upset other Christians, even if those things were morally acceptable.
The Authorities
In a world where many are turned off by the government, it's a bit difficult to take Paul's words to heart when he tells us to respect those in authority. But then again, Paul and other Christians spent plenty of time in jail because of these authorities, which is not something that should happen to someone who respects authority. So what's going on here? Jamin explores this question.
The Church Body
So often we turn spiritual things over to the pastor, because we pay them to do that, right? Not exactly. The pastor's job is actually to equip the saints for ministry. Paul tells us we are a body and each of us are gifted differently in that respect. Jamin explores that further and shows us that we all must work together and not just expect those with ministerial titles to do it themselves.
Predestination and Free Will
Amidst Romans confusing passages, there's that whole thing on predestination. Jamin takes on this confusing topic in attempts to put it in light of what he believes Paul is actually saying.
Saved By Faith, Pt 2
In reflection upon his previous message, Jamin felt convicted that he had totally missed the heart of Paul's message by exchanging grace and faith for legalism, so here he re-preaches the same theme. In the end, both takes on this theme have merit, but this one is more fully what Paul is getting at in Romans.
Saved By Faith, Pt 1
Having seen people take the "saved by faith" route to an extreme that says, "I can't sin," Jamin calls people to a life of action.
Adam and Jesus
Jamin gets into all kinds of topics as he revisits Adam and Eden and reframes them in the light of Jesus.
The Wrath of God
Now here's a subject Jamin rarely preaches on. But in attempts to stay faithful to Paul's message, he dives into the theme at the start of the book of Romans in this new series. In doing so, Jamin explains how we all often get wrath wrong in today's day in age.