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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Why We See People as Jesus Did

Jamin shares a plethora of Bible stories to demonstrate how God's view of people is very different from ours…

Jamin shares a plethora of Bible stories to demonstrate how God's view of people is very different from ours. If we truly want to change the world for Christ, then we have to learn to see people as He did and treat them the way that He did.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Lead Like Jesus

Myisha hits on 3 characteristics of Jesus' leadership.

Myisha hits on 3 characteristics of Jesus' leadership.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

The Delayed Return of Jesus

It's clear in reading the New Testament that the early church literally thought Jesus would be back in a generation. Even 2 Peter has to face the question: "What's taking so long?"

C.S. Lewis once remarked that Jesus saying he'd return within a generation was, "certainly the most embarrassing verse in the Bible." While Lewis' words are a bit brash, at least he was honest about his feelings. It's clear in reading the New Testament that the early church literally thought Jesus meant one generation. Even 2 Peter has to face the question: "What's taking so long?"

So if the early church had to wonder 90-95 years after Jesus, perhaps we too can wonder what's taking so long some 2,000 years later. I believe that the authors of, When the Son of Man Didn't Come: A Constructive Proposal on the Delay of the Parousia (which was beautifully written by an interdenominational group of believers), have a solution for the world. Their answer is not to interpret "generation" in some weird apocalyptic or symbolic light, but to simply understand how prophecy works. And it ends up that the Bible is quite clear: God can decide to change prophetic words depending on how his people interact with him.

In borrowing (almost entirely) from this book, my message today proposes that God changed his mind about when Jesus would return—and I don't think that's anywhere near as jarring as it sounds. Checkout the podcast to see how I get there.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

The Religious Industry

Almost immediately after entering Jerusalem, Jesus walks up to God's temple and starts flipping tables. Jamin draws from his experience in pursuit of the Music Industry to explain why this might have been.

Almost immediately after entering Jerusalem, Jesus walks up to God's temple and starts flipping tables. Jamin draws from his experience in pursuit of the Music Industry to explain why this might have been.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Walking Boldly to the Cross

We often talk about God wanting to bless us, which causes us to rarely talk about how Jesus called us into persecution with him.

We often talk about God wanting to bless us, which causes us to rarely talk about how Jesus called us into persecution with him. But then again, maybe blessing and persecution are the same thing, seeing as how Jesus said, "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Today Jamin takes a look at three short verses in Mark 10 where Jesus prophesies about his upcoming flogging and death while walking to the place where it will all happen. Those following him are left both amazed and afraid.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Imagers of God

People give all kinds of explanations as to what it means to be made "in the image of God"—often saying the image is our intelligence. But that's not what the original language of the Bible is trying to say to us...

People give all kinds of explanations as to what it means to be made "in the image of God"—often saying the image is our intelligence. But that's not what the original language of the Bible is trying to say to us. Being made in the image of God is not just an adjective, in fact, it may be better understood as verb. Jamin explains more at a youth retreat and relates to how Jesus is the clearest example of the image of God we've ever been given.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

The Extreme Metaphor

We focus so much on not sinning that we often forget the command to protect ourselves from leading others into sin. Jamin jumps into some of Jesus' most extreme metaphors to get this point across.

We focus so much on not sinning that we often forget the command to protect ourselves from leading others into sin. Jamin jumps into some of Jesus' most extreme metaphors to get this point across.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley


Jesus calls us to live a life of humility and lowliness and to be a servant to all. Jamin uncovers this theme over the course of several passages presented in Mark.

Jesus calls us to live a life of humility and lowliness and to be a servant to all. Jamin uncovers this theme over the course of several passages presented in Mark.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Mount Hermon & the Transfiguration

Things get weird when Jesus takes his disciples up a mountain to pray—like... beyond words weird. What's going on in the story of the transfiguration? Jamin offers a few ideas.

Things get weird when Jesus takes his disciples up a mountain to pray—like... beyond words weird. What's going on in the story of the transfiguration? Jamin offers a few ideas.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Mount Hermon & the Christ

If we thought like the Jews at Jesus' time did, we'd recognize the incredible significance of the location in which Peter confessed Jesus as the Christ.

If we thought like the Jews at Jesus' time did, we'd recognize the incredible significance of the location in which Peter confessed Jesus as the Christ.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Short Term Faith

Throughout Mark the disciples have managed to supernaturally feed 9,000 people and yet somehow they're afraid they don't have enough bread to feed the 12 of them and Jesus.

Throughout Mark the disciples have managed to supernaturally feed 9,000 people and yet somehow they're afraid they don't have enough bread to feed the 12 of them and Jesus.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

The Syrophoenician Woman

Something completely unexpected and amazing happens when the Syrophoenician woman approaches Jesus while he's on break from ministry.

Something completely unexpected and amazing happens when the Syrophoenician woman approaches Jesus while he's on break from ministry.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

A God as Big as the Multiverse

Jamin jumps into some theoretical science to make an extravagant analogy of how free will is seen clearly in light of Jesus' ministry.

Jamin jumps into some theoretical science to make an extravagant analogy of how free will is seen clearly in light of Jesus' ministry.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Fully God & Fully Man

One minute Jesus is a slave to his body and passed out exhausted in a boat and the next he's commanding storms to stop. This creates an eye-opening experience for the disciples.

One minute Jesus is a slave to his body and passed out exhausted in a boat and the next he's commanding storms to stop. This creates an eye-opening experience for the disciples.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

The Mustard Kingdom

The Kingdom of God isn't like the kingdoms of this world. Its strength isn't represented by walls, armies, or eagles—but mustard.

The Kingdom of God isn't like the kingdoms of this world. Its strength isn't represented by walls, armies, or eagles—but mustard.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Old & New

There are two analogies Jesus made that have always been a little confusing due to cultural differences in the world today...

There are two analogies Jesus made that have always been a little confusing due to cultural differences in the world today. The first one we generally understand, but the second one takes a bit more research. Jamin shares some insight on these ideas as we continue our series on the Gospel of Mark.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

The Might of Jesus

Well here's something unexpected: it appears that Mark ties Jesus back to the Old Testament judge, Samson. Jamin explores why he would do this....

Well here's something unexpected: it appears that Mark ties Jesus back to the Old Testament judge, Samson. Jamin explores why he would do this.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

You Lose Satan

This year's Easter message is an interesting one. Jamin provides some insight the Bible gives us on Satan in order to show how Jesus tricked and overcame him through death and resurrection.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Adam and Jesus

Jamin gets into all kinds of topics as he revisits Adam and Eden and reframes them in the light of Jesus.

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