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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

A Heavenly Reward

Paul offers a metaphor that interprets in a rather surprising way: While Christians are saved only by faith and belief in Christ, our works as Christians play a part in a reward to come in Heaven...

Paul offers a metaphor that interprets in a rather surprising way: While Christians are saved only by faith and belief in Christ, our works as Christians play a part in a reward to come in Heaven. Working with this metaphor, Jamin surveys similar explanations of the afterlife through Jesus' teachings and then invites us to let Christianity get so under our skin that our focus becomes entirely Heaven-focused. We don't need to live lives full of earthly riches now, but lives aimed at Heavenly riches later. And if we let Heaven get under our skin enough, we may just find that even basic things like our sex drives can be called into question.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Holy Spirit & the Imagination

In this message, Jamin works off of 1 Corinthians to explain that whatever you do to hear yourself think is what you need to do to hear God speak...

In this message, Jamin works off of 1 Corinthians to explain that whatever you do to hear yourself think is what you need to do to hear God speak. We are all crafted differently and therefore connect with God in different ways. After explaining his own journey into discovering the Holy Spirit, he goes on to give a testimony from his life as to how he has used imagination to engage God's voice.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Elementary Christianity

Myisha takes a look at Hebrews in order to explain what makes up the milk that new Christians are to be fed.

Myisha takes a look at Hebrews in order to explain what makes up the milk that new Christians are to be fed.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Lady Wisdom

It feels like wishful thinking to imagine Jesus being physically present in the Old Testament, but...

It feels like wishful thinking to imagine Jesus being physically present in the Old Testament. In fact, some would say that to read Jesus into the Old Testament in such a way is to abuse the Bible. But if that's true, then it seems like the New Testament writers themselves abused the Old Testament, because they seem to be attesting to his presence there.

In today's podcast, we dissect a number of verses that give plausibility to Jesus' pre-incarnate and Old Testament existence, whether it be in the physical form of Yahweh (a theophany), the Angel of Yahweh, or Lady Wisdom. The Bible paints a very intriguing and strange picture for us to consider, and it seems the New Testament writers want us to embrace the thought.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

The Wisdom of God

Paul's theological cornerstone was to know nothing more than Christ crucified...

Paul's theological cornerstone was to know nothing more than Christ crucified. This was not something he only had to remind himself of, but the Corinthian church as well; for they were trying to blend worldly wisdom into Christianity and suppress the message of the cross. Jamin and Myisha tag team preach their way through the topic of worldly and Godly wisdom.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Across Denominational Lines

The Bible never promotes division in the church. Not only did Jesus pray that we'd all be one, but Paul called the Corinthians out when they began to identify themselves too much with church leaders rather than with Christ...

The Bible never promotes division in the church. Not only did Jesus pray that we'd all be one, but Paul called the Corinthians out when they began to identify themselves too much with church leaders rather than with Christ. It is clear from the Scriptures that there was a struggle to keep the church unified and now two thousand years later we have hundreds of thousands of denominations—each one sharing in its own differences. The church looks less unified than ever. So how do we honor Jesus' prayer in light of all of this? I propose an option and it is not to turn away from denominations.

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