In Jackson as it is in Heaven…



Cereal Before | Ministries After


9:30AM | Cereal Bar

The church opens up to the community half an hour early for those who want to come and share a bowl of cereal from our cereal bar.

10AM | Service

Our main church service is held at 10am. Join us for music that chases the Spirit and a message that dives into theology.

11AM | Ministries

Children’s ministry, healing prayer, and pantry access follow our service and end at 11:30.


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Get to know us…

Jamin Bradley

Jamin has been the lead pastor at 1208 Greenwood since 2011. He has authored several books, recorded several albums, and enjoys playing games, cooking and blogging. He got his bachelor's in Pastoral Ministry from Spring Arbor University and his master's in Theology and Social Justice from Northeastern Seminary. He is also the pastor and spiritual care director at David’s Promise, a church designed for adults with disability. Jamin has been well-involved in activism here in Jackson and has served in the following organizations:

  • Compassionate Ministries of Jackson (Board member)

  • Continuum of Care (Coalition member)

  • Drug Free Jackson (Chaired for two years)

  • JXN Harm Reduction (Co-founder & board member)

  • Light Up the City (Co-chaired for two years)

  • Justice Action Team of the Southern Michigan Conference of the Free Methodist Church (Member)


Board Members


1208 Greenwood Ave isn’t our only address…


Home Churches

We gather in homes throughout the week to eat and hang out, and we’d love to have you over! Join the Knapp Home Church on Tuesdays from 5:30-7:30pm, or the Bradley Home Church on Thursdays from 6-8pm.

Worship Nights

Every Wednesday from 9pm until 10ish, we gather to worship together. Join us as we meet with the Holy Spirit and spontaneously sing, pray, write, draw, and meditate upon the things of Jesus.

Greenwood Street Food

Join us for a delicious free meal outside on warm days and inside on cold days every fourth Wednesday of the month! We’ll smoke the meats, and you bring the company in block party fashion!



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A ministry like this lives on your generosity.


We have been blessed by so many throughout the years as they've given generously and freely to keep the ministry at 1208 moving forward. Your donations—be it financial, clothes, food, time, energy or otherwise—help make all our ministries happen. Thank you for empowering us to do this Kingdom work.